Bhairava Anthem | Kalki 2898 AD in English & Telugu

Bhairava Anthem | Kalki 2898 AD in English & Telugu

Bhairava Anthem | Kalki 2898 AD - Deepak Blue, Diljit Dosanjh, Santhosh Narayanan Lyrics

Bhairava Anthem | Kalki 2898 AD in English & Telugu

Singer  Deepak Blue, Diljit Dosanjh, Santhosh Narayanan
Composer  Santhosh Narayanan
Music  Santhosh Narayanan
Song Writer Ramajogayya Sastry, Kumaar

Lyrics of Bhairava Anthem | Kalki 2898 AD

Bhairava Anthem Song Lyrics in English

Oka Nene… Naaku Chuttu Nene
Okataina Ontaronni Kaane
Dheerudine, Ha
Yodhudine, Ha

Bhoomi Nene… Sooryudaina Nene
Nannu Nene Chutti Thiruguthaane
Swaardhamu Nene… Paramaardhamu Nene

Teri Mijaajan Akhiyan
Maane Ma Gal Dheet Hai Pakkiyan
Ve Rohb Vekho Jatt Da Ve
Na Teri Pichhe Hattda Ve Mere Maiyya.

Naa Rengu Kallatho Lokame Chadivesa
Musuguna Manushula Rangulu Choosa
Nenanuvaa Ante Naaku Mukhyam Nenanta
Gelupu Jendaale Naa Daaranthaa

Manasu Unnaagani Ledhanta
Medhadu Maate Ne Vinta
Maaya Daari Lokamlo
Inthe Inthe Nenantaa, Aay..

Naaku Nene Kartha Karma Kriya
Oka Nene Vela Sainyamayyaa

Naa Gamanam Nithya Ranam
Kana Kana Kanam Anuchara Ganam

Teri Mijaajan Akhiyan
Maane Ma Gal Dheet Hai Pakkiyan
Ve Rohb Vekho Jatt Da Ve
Na Teri Pichhe Hattda Ve Mere Maiyya.

Saahasa Mantrame Naa Java Jeevamu
Samayamu Choodani Samaramidhi
Saayudha Yantrame Lohapu Dehamu
Naa Kathaye Vidi Gelavanidi.

Bhairava Anthem Song Lyrics in Telugu

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About the Kalki 2898 AD Movie

The epic science fiction action movie "Kalki 2898 AD" is an anticipated Indian production that will hit theaters on June 27, 2024. The film, which is under the production of Vyjayanthi Movies and is directed by Nag Ashwin and produced by C. Aswani Dutt, stars Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Deepika Padukone, Disha Patani, and other well-known actors.

The film features a contemporary manifestation of the Hindu deity Vishnu, who is said to have come to Earth to defend humanity from evil powers. It was mostly shot in Telugu, but some portions were reshot in Hindi. Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and English are among the languages in which it will be available.

The film's ambitious production scope, inventive plot that combines dystopian future with Indian mythology, and promise of a breathtaking visual experience have all contributed to its considerable excitement. Notable is also the fact that Amitabh Bachchan recovered from a serious injury he sustained during the movie's production.

Bhairava Anthem | Kalki 2898 AD 

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